Martina van Eldik
At BVDV I advise entrepreneurs on their contracts, liability risks and intellectual property rights (IP). I find it inspiring to assist companies that are engaged in a certain form of innovation. This can involve, for example, the launch of a new product, brand or design, but also digital innovation in the field of software.
The way we do business is constantly changing and most developments also involve legal aspects. Often I am called in prior to such a change to draw up or update the contracts. I believe that in many cases conflicts can be avoided by making clear and transparent agreements in advance and by contractually safeguarding the interests of the company. My legal practice also includes liability risk mapping as well as ensuring that those risks are limited as much as possible.
In addition to the consultancy practice, I have extensive litigating experience in the field of intellectual property law and contract law. My aim is always to help companies go a step further, by considering the interests and background of that specific company and which legal solution suits them best. Because if I take care of the legal issues, then you can continue to focus on the business itself.
Specialist areas
- Intellectual property & technology
- Commercial litigation
- Consultancy on contracts & liability
- Laying down commercial partnerships in clear contracts
- Assessment of risks
Education & academic background
In 2013, I obtained my master’s degree in Dutch private law at the University of Amsterdam (VU). My main focus was on contract law. In that same year I started at BVDV as an attorney. Our firm’s unique management philosophy – and the transparency, freedom and responsibility that come with it – still works well for me. At BVDV I have since then also specialized in intellectual property law.
In 2020, I graduated from the post-academic specialization program ‘Intellectual property and procedural law in commercial practice’ from the mr. S.K. Martens Academy. Before that, I successfully completed the post-academic specialization program ‘Business & Liability’ of the Grotius Academy in 2018.