Civiel Recht

By including (social) interests in the articles of association, the company’s interest can be defined. New regulations have been drafted to be part of the articles of association of Dutch B Corp companies. Those new regulations will stress the B Corp goal: a significant positive impact on society and/or the environment in general.

Those new regulations will stress the B Corp goal: a significant positive impact on society and/or the environment in general

Promoting the interest of the company is an internal standard of conduct for the board of directors. The Supreme Court places great store by the company’s continuity. The company can include clauses in its articles of association which further specify the concept in order to better define its interest. These clauses can describe idealistic objects, such as dealing with the environment, employees and the local community in a sustainable manner.

Lay down what should be the standard of conduct for the day-to-day actions of the company’s most important policy-makers

The corporate interest offers the opportunity to lay down what should be the standard of conduct for the day-to-day actions of the company’s most important policy-makers, and to balance the interests concerned (environment, employees, local community), as soon as that interest is determined or incorporated into the articles of association.

More information about including social interests / B Corp regulations in the articles of association can be obtained from BVDV (Sjoerd van der Velden) and Van Grafhorst Notaries (Ivo van der Zijl).

Sjoerd van der Velden - advocaat
Sjoerd van der Velden
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